Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dishcloth Hangups For 2009

Knitting In Colors

Here is the Cover. Aren't the new patterns gorgeous?
See the latest updates about the new calendar at
the Knitting Calendar Blog.
You will get up-to-date information on what will be included and how to order.

I have to get busy and send in my submissions!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Dishcloth Hangups For 2009 Submission

Here it is! My submission for the Dishcloth Hangups For 2009.
It is hard to tell from the picture but there are two stitch patterns involved. One cloth in each pattern in each color.
The towels are knit from the top down and the toppers can be used with any pattern. There are two styles of toppers.
I am quite pleased with the way they turned out.
I enlisted my lilac bush as a photo prop.
See the latest updates about the new calendar at
the Knitting Calendar Blog.
You will get up-to-date information on what will be included and how to order.